lunes, marzo 28, 2005

[DATA]« Proveedores de Internet » DNS

Aqui les dejo una listita de Dns´s por si quieren probar otros... !!

Ciudad Global »

DNS Primario:
DNS Secundario:
Servidor de Correo Saliente (SMTP):
Servidor de Correo Entrante (POP3):

Advance - Infovia »

Teléfono Mesa de Ayuda: 0-800-666-4636
Soporte Técnico por E-mail:
Teléfono Mesa de Ayuda TOPMAIL: 0-810-222-6444
DNS Primario:
DNS Secundario:
Servidor de Correo Saliente (SMTP): ó
Servidor de Correo Entrante (POP3): ó

Teléfono Mesa de Ayuda: 0-800-333-7733
DNS Primario:
DNS Secundario:
Servidor de Correo Saliente (SMTP): ó
Servidor de Correo Entrante (POP3): ó

Arnet »

Teléfono Mesa de Ayuda: 0810-888-27638
DNS Primario:
DNS Secundario:
Servidor de Correo Saliente (SMTP):
Servidor de Correo Entrante (POP3):

ADSL Banda Ancha Arnet »

Teléfono Mesa de Ayuda: 0810-888-27638
DNS Primario:
DNS Secundario:
Servidor de Correo Saliente (SMTP):
Servidor de Correo Entrante (POP3):

Ciudad Internet »

Teléfono Mesa de Ayuda: 0810-222-4832
DNS Primario:
DNS Secundario:
Servidor de Correo Saliente (SMTP):
Servidor de Correo Entrante (POP3):

jueves, marzo 24, 2005

[NETWORKING]Configuracion Cables de Red RJ-45

Aquí se muestra el conexionado del cableado de red necesario para montar nuestras redes de datos para un conector RJ-45.

Para un cableado PUNTO A PUNTO tenemos dos posibilidades definidas por dos normativas como indican los esquemas y para un cableado CRUZADO podemos seguir el esquema de la figura inferior que consiste en mezclar las 2 normas anteriores (en un extremo seguimos la norma 568-A y en el otro la 568-B:

Normativa 568-A
Conector 1 Conector 2
1- Blanco Verde 1- Blanco Verde
2- Verde 2- Verde
3- Blanco Naranja 3- Blanco Naranja
4- Azul 4- Azul
5- Blanco Azul 5- Blanco Azul
6- Naranja 6- Naranja
7- Blanco Marrón 7- Blanco Marrón
8- Marrón 8- Marrón
Normativa 568-B
Conector 1 Conector 2
1- Blanco Naranja 1- Blanco Naranja
2- Naranja 2- Naranja
3- Blanco Verde 3- Blanco Verde
4- Azul 4- Azul
5- Blanco Azul 5- Blanco Azul
6- Verde 6- Verde
7- Blanco Marrón 7- Blanco Marrón
8- Marrón 8- Marrón
Cableado CRUZADO (ver dibujo)
Conector 1 (B)
Conector 2 (A)
1- Blanco Naranja 1- Blanco Verde
2- Naranja 2- Verde
3- Blanco Verde 3- Blanco Naranja
4- Azul 4- Azul
5- Blanco Azul 5- Blanco Azul
6- Verde 6- Naranja
7- Blanco Marrón 7- Blanco Marrón
8- Marrón 8- Marrón
Cableado CRUZADO

Todos los hilos no se usan para transmitir datos, para obtener información más detallada sobre el funcionamiento de cada uno de los hilos léete el documento oficial de [
la norma 568 en pdf]

A continuación se explica, de forma detallada, el modo de preparar un cable UTP con conectores RJ-45 (latiguillo).

La herramientas necesarias son:

* Cable UTP de Categoría 5 o Categoría 5e (puede ser blindado o sin blindar), de longitud adecuada de 4 pares.

* Dos conectores RJ-45 (opcionalmente se pueden montar unos protectores de plástico para los conectores).

* Un pelacables, para retirar correctamente los aislantes plásticos de las terminaciones del cable, puede servirnos la grimpadora.

* Una grimpadora, herramienta que nos permitirá fijar los cables a los conectores RJ-45 mediante presión.

Grimpadora RJ-45 ... Grimpadora roseta

* El esquema de cableado anterior con la configuración 568A, 568B o CRUZADO.

Los pasos a seguir son los siguientes:

1. Cortamos el trozo de cable necesario. Los estándares 568-B recomiendan que la longitud máxima para un cable de conexión host-red no supere los 3 metros para latiguillos.

2. Pelamos los extremos del cable, quitando el revestimiento exterior de plástico en una longitud adecuada. La idea es que el cable, al ser insertado posteriormente en el Jack, tenga protección externa justo hasta la entrada a los pines. Si queda más porción sin revestimiento el cable queda suelto y se incrementan las pérdidas de señal, y si queda menos las conexiones no se harán de forma correcta.

3. Separamos los cables, los destrenzamos y los disponemos según el esquema adecuado.

4. Los aplanamos y los recortamos de tal forma que la longitud de los hilos no trenzados sea de unos 12 milímetros, distancia idónea para la perfecta conexión. No hay que preocuparse de "pelar" los extremos de los hilos, ya que al ser presionados luego con la grimpadora se realiza este proceso de forma natural.

5. Insertamos los cables en el conector RJ-45 y los empujamos hasta el fondo, asegurándonos de que llegan hasta el final, de tal forma que se puedan ver los hilos cuando se mira el conector desde el extremo.

6. Inspeccionamos que la distribución de hilos por colores está de acuerdo con el esquema.

7. Engarzamos los hilos al conector con la grimpadora, ejerciendo una buena presión en ésta, para que la conexión se realice correctamente.

8. Hacemos lo mismo con el otro extremo del cable.

Una vez tenemos el cable, éste se conectará por un extremo en el conector de la tarjeta de red del host, y por el otro generalmente en la toma Jack RJ-45 hembra situada en la pared, que será la que nos dé acceso a la red.

Si tenemos que instalar dicha toma, el proceso es análogo al visto de construcción de un cable, con la diferencia que ahora el propio Jack lleva unos códigos de colores que indican dónde debe ir cada hilo. Para insertar los hilos en los pins internos se usa una herramienta de punción especial, que achuchilla el hilo y lo pela de forma automática. Una vez conectados los hilos, tan sólo queda acoplar el Jack en la cajeta atornillada a la pared.

Fuente:La web de Andy (

lunes, marzo 21, 2005

[NETWORKING]Udp Cast - Clonacion x Red

Para clonar maquinas por red mediante un disket o un cd. Muy util y facil de usar !


sábado, enero 22, 2005

[SUPPORT]Beep Codes

Lista de Beep Codes para saber que es lo que le pasa a la maquina cuando no vemos nada !!

Power On Self Test Beep Codes
for AMI and Phoenix BIOS

When an IBM compatible computer is first turned on, the hardware runs a Power-On Self Test (POST). If errors are encountered during this POST test, they are usually displayed via an audio beep or in the form of a code number flashed across the screen. With this audio code in hand, you can determine what part of the system is having problems and find a solution.

Standard IBM Error Codes
AMI Beep Codes
Phoenix Beep Codes
Award Beep Codes

BIOS Upgrades

Standard Original IBM POST Error Codes
1 short beep
Normal POST - system is ok
2 short beeps POST Error - error code shown on screen
No beep Power supply or system board problem
Continuous beep Power supply, system board, or keyboard problem
Repeating short beeps Power supply or system board problem
1 long, 1 short beep System board problem
1 long, 2 short beeps Display adapter problem (MDA, CGA)
1 long, 3 short beeps Enhanced Graphics Adapter (EGA)
3 long beeps 3270 keyboard card

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IBM POST Diagnostic Code Descriptions

100 - 199
System Board
200 - 299 Memory
300 - 399 Keyboard
400 - 499 Monochrome Display
500 - 599 Color/Graphics Display
600 - 699 Floppy-disk drive and/or Adapter
700 - 799 Math Coprocessor
900 - 999 Parallel Printer Port
1000 - 1099 Alternate Printer Adapter
1100 - 1299 Asynchronous Communication Device, Adapter, or Port
1300 - 1399 Game Port
1400 - 1499 Color/Graphics Printer
1500 - 1599 Synchronous Communication Device, Adapter, or Port
1700 - 1799 Hard Drive and/or Adapter
1800 - 1899 Expansion Unit (XT)
2000 - 2199 Bisynchronous Communication Adapter
2400 - 2599 EGA system-board Video (MCA)
3000 - 3199 LAN Adapter
4800 - 4999 Internal Modem
7000 - 7099 Phoenix BIOS Chips
7300 - 7399 3.5" Disk Drive
8900 - 8999 MIDI Adapter
11200 - 11299 SCSI Adapter
21000 - 21099 SCSI Fixed Disk and Controller
21500 - 21599 SCSI CD-ROM System

AMI BIOS Beep Codes

1 Short Beep One beep is good! Everything is ok, that is if you see things on the screen. If you don't see anything, check your monitor and video card first. Is everything connected? If they seem fine, your
motherboard has some bad chips on it. First reset the SIMM's and reboot. If it does the same thing, one of the memory chips on the motherboard are bad, and you most likely need to get another
motherboard since these chips are soldered on.
2 Short Beeps Your computer has memory problems. First check video.
If video is working, you'll see an error message. If not, you have a parity error in your first 64K of memory. First check your SIMM's.
Reseat them and reboot. If this doesn't do it, the memory chips may be
bad. You can try switching the first and second banks memory chips.
First banks are the memory banks that your CPU finds its first 64K of base memory in. You'll need to consult your manual to see which bank is first. If all your memory tests good, you probably need to buy another motherboard.
3 Short Beeps Basically the same thing as 2 beeps. Follow that diagnosis above.
4 Short Beeps Basically the same thing as 2 beeps. Follow thatdiagnosis above. It could also be a bad timer
5 Short Beeps Your motherboard is complaining. Try reseating thememory and rebooting. If that doesn't help, you should consideranother motherboard. You could probably get away with just replacingthe CPU, but that's not too cost-effective. Its just time to upgrade!
6 Short Beeps The chip on your motherboard that controls your keyboard(A20 gate) isn't working. First try another keyboard. If it doesn'thelp, reseat the chip that controls the keyboard, if it isn't solderedin. If it still beeps, replace the chip if possible. Replace the
motherboard if it is soldered in.
7 Short Beeps Your CPU broke overnight. Its no good. Either replacethe CPU, or buy another motherboard.
8 Short Beeps Your video card isn't working. Make sure it is seatedwell in the bus. If it still beeps, either the whole card is bad orthe memory on it is. Best bet is to install another video card.
9 Short Beeps Your BIOS is bad. Reseat or Replace the BIOS.
10 Short Beeps Your problem lies deep inside the CMOS. All chipsassociated with the CMOS will likely have to be replaced. Your bestbet is to get a new motherboard.
11 Short Beeps Your problem is in the Cache Memory chips on the motherboard. Reseat or Replace these chips.
1 Long, 3 Short Beeps You've probably just added memory to the motherboard since this is a conventional or extended memory failure.
Generally this is caused by a memory chip that is not seated properly.
Reseat the memory chips.
1 Long, 8 Short Beeps Display / retrace test failed. Reseat the video card.

Phoenix BIOS Beep Codes

These audio codes are a little more detailed then the AMI codes. This BIOS emits three sets of beeps. For example, 1 -pause- 3 -pause 3 -pause. This is a 1-3-3 combo and each set of beeps is separated by a
brief pause. Listen to this sequence of sounds, count them, and reboot and count again if you have to.

1-1-3 Your computer can't read the configuration info stored in the CMOS. Replace the motherboard.
1-1-4 Your BIOS needs to be replaced.
1-2-1 You have a bad timer chip on the motherboard. You need a new motherboard.
1-2-2 The motherboard is bad.
1-2-3 The motherboard is bad.
1-3-1 You'll need to replace the motherboard.
1-3-3 You'll need to replace the motherboard.
1-3-4 The motherboard is bad.
1-4-1 The motherboard is bad.
1-4-2 Some of your memory is bad.
2-_-_ Any combo of beeps after two means that some of your memory is bad, and unless you want to get real technical, you should probably have the guys in the lab coats test the memory for you. Take it to the shop.
3-1-_ One of the chips on your motherboard is broken. You'll likely need to get another board.
3-2-4 One of the chips on your motherboard that checks the keyboard is broken. You'll likely need to get another board.
3-3-4 Your computer can't find the video card. Is it there? If so, try swapping it with another one and see if it works.
3-4-_ Your video card isn't working. You'll need to replace it.
4-2-1 There's a bad chip on the motherboard. You need to buy another board.
4-2-2 First check the keyboard for problems. If nothing, you have a bad motherboard.
4-2-3 Same as 4-2-2.
4-2-4 One of the cards is bad. Try yanking out the cards one by one to isolate the culprit. Replace the bad one. The last possibility is to buy another motherboard.
4-3-1 Replace the motherboard.
4-3-2 See 4-3-1
4-3-3 See 4-3-1
4-3-4 Time of day clock failure. Try running the setup program that comes with the computer. Check the date and time. If that doesn't work, replace the battery. If that doesn't work, replace the power
supply. You may have to replace the motherboard, but that is rare.
4-4-1 Your serial ports are acting up. Reseat, or replace, the I/O card. If the I/O is on the motherboard itself, disable them with a jumper (consult your manual to know which one) and then add an I/O card.
4-4-2 See 4-4-1, but this time is your Parallel port that's acting up.
4-4-3 You math coprocessor is having problems. Run a test program to double-check it. If it is indeed bad, disable it, or replace it.
Low 1-1-2 Your motherboard is having problems
Low 1-1-3 This is an Extended CMOS RAM problem, check your motherboard battery, and motherboard.